Fragile X Syndrome!
An inside look at the genetic disease know as Fragile X Syndrome!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How possible is it that a cure will be found?
There is currently not a cure for Fragile X syndrome, even though research is being put into finding one. We do not know how close we are to...
What are some organizations that can help a family cope with a child's disorder?
The largest organization for Fraglie X is The National Fragile X Foundation . Click the link for more information.
What limitations does the person have?
According to Parenting and Child Health Services, "Some boys can be affected only mildly, but some can have quite severe intellectual d...
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What is everyday life like? What is the quality of Life?
Fragile X is known to give autism to about 90% of those diagnosed. According to the National Fragile X Foundation, Fragile X also gives ...
How can the disease be treated?
There is no proper treatment for Fragile X Syndrome although some therapy such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physica...
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